Where am I?
I called for food delivery tonight. Luckily some enterprising person has created an English-language service that will pass along your order to the Chinese-speaking people at local restaurants. It's called "Sherpa's."
As soon as I placed my order (chicken tikka masala, vegetable samosa) I realized I don't actually know my address. My house is in an alley so there's no exact street name. All the mail is addressed in Chinese.
"My address? I don't know." I felt like a total moron.
I looked at the rental contract and, alas, that was also in Chinese. I almost called my landlord, but I thought "Where do I live?" would be a transcendently stupid question.

I know the character with three lines means "3" (duh) and the zero means, in fact, zero. I think the next one is a six? I also know it's off Xiangyang Road.
Someone (David Y., David E., Todd?) please help. If I can't order delivery I'll starve. Really.

I'll give this a go as David Yu is starting his "job" today. According to my handy Japanese-Chinese dictionary, you live at:
29 xiang1 yang2 nan2 lu4 306 long4
I think the address translates roughly as "house #29 on alley 306 off of South Xiangyang Road."
Better practice your tones!
Happy 40th Anniversary of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Karl! Are you going clubbing with the workers/peasants/soldiers tonight?
Hey, how's the Indian food in China?
Not only do the Japanese confuse the Rs and Ls, it appears they also confuse the Ls and Ns.
Or maybe it's just Todd Torr.
xiang1 yang2 nan2 lu4 306 Nong4 29 hao4 will work.
I've had an exhausting week at work. Drinking during and eating a 2-hour lunch really tires me out.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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