Sunday, February 26, 2006

What's the sound of one Mao spinning?

One of the joys (anxieties) of moving is finding a place to live. During my visit I looked at some apartment complexes - mostly overpriced high-rise crapshacks with black-lacquered bedroom sets and shoddy installations.

But these complexes aren't without their bourgeois pretensions. They feature names like "President Mansion," "Palace Court," and my favorite, "Richgate: Kinging the Shanghai Buildings."

Yes, "Richgate." Mao should be spinning in his grave fast enough to power a small city.

What happened to the socialist worker's paradise? Apparently it's being paved over to build the Richgate extension: "Mega-Richgate: The Moneyed Place for Kinging and Other Assorted Richly Things."

(Okay, I made that up. ...But wouldn't that be awesome! I would totally live there.)


At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well? How was the flight?


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