Get physical

Imagine getting a physical at the DMV.
After filling out dozens of forms asking if I suffered such conditions as “psycho-mental dysphoria” (I checked “no”), I was shuffled into a changing room and handed a clip board. I stripped down, put on a robe and blue booties. I was weighed, measured and ordered: “Room 110.”
In Room 110 I was greeted by a dour Chinese Nurse Ratchet wielding a syringe. “Roll up your sleeve. Make a fist.” As an adult I’d largely lost my fear of needles – Nurse Ratchet helped me find it. She jabbed my arm with all the loving tenderness of a spear fisherman.
She scribbled on my form and handed the clipboard back to me. “Next room!”
In the following series of rooms I had a chest x-ray, EKG, eye exam and ultrasound. I didn’t know men had ultrasounds. It was unnerving to have jelly slathered on my abdomen and that weird, cold scanner pressed against me.
I asked the doctor, “Am I pregnant?” I thought this was hilarious.
He handed back the clipboard. “Next room!”
I got the results today. Everything checked out. I even tested negative for “psycho-mental dysphoria.” I have to go across the river to Pudong on Monday for the final stage of residency approval. I don’t know what to expect. Obstacle course? Cat juggling? Telekinetic bingo?
Hopefully this time – no needles.
(Yes Torr, I know the sign is from San Francisco, but I'm willing to sacrifice journalistic accuracy for the perfect kitschy photo.)
I have a full-time staff of six checking your entries for accuracy and your photos for authenticity. We've concluded, inter alia, that the photo of you with Jane Fonda protesting the Vietnam War is a fake.
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