I’m leaving my job at the end of this week.
My company asked me to move to
Guangzhou to be closer to our client's office.
Despite the city’s many delights (spicy food, smog, motorcycle thieves who cut off your fingers with lawn shearers,) I said no.
Luckily advertising professionals are a fungible resource (like cotton or oil or pork bellies!), so I was able to find another, largely similar job at a competitive agency here in
The new job won’t involve as much travel.
This is a great relief after almost 3 years of watching my youth fade in antiseptic airport lounges and charmless corporate hotels.
The upside of the new job is the free time before the new job.
I’m going to
Beijing this
Sunday to take an intensive Mandarin language course for an entire month.
I’ll have the same mobile phone number and personal email.
I’ll try to update my progress here.
Here’s a powerfully inspirational photo Todd took of me during his visit to
I’d like to imagine I’m leading the proletariat to victory over the capitalist running dogs – but the glass of champagne in the foreground kinda ruins the visual integrity.
Anyway, more soon.
My questions: expat package that includes flying your friends over from the US?
The Chairman reincarnate.
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